High quality and fun team programming contests for everyone
Participate in TeamsCode Team Programming contests to challenge yourself with some inspiring competitive programming problems while having fun with your friends.
Our upcoming contest is almost here! Hit the button below to discover the prizes up for grabs.
Competitive Programming
Activate creativity and level up your programming skills
Our unique team competitive programming contests aim to provide an inspirational and enjoyable experience to computer science students regardless of their skills.
Solve Problems
Solve competitive programming problems by employing your creativity and understanding of algorithms. Learn important problem solving skills and practice coding!
Collaborate with Peers
Team up with up to 3 friends and share a common experience! Share your understanding of computer science and work together to climb up the leaderboard.
Win Prizes
In each contest, TeamsCode offers cash prizes, software subscriptions, and gaming ears to top high school finishers in all divisions. We also have cool prizes for raffle winners!
Learn Something New
Competitive programming has dozens of algorithms and data structures for you to explore! Regardless of your skill level, you will always learn something new about computer science.
Our Events
TeamsCode Virtual Programming Contests
Upcoming Contests
Past Contests
CP Resources
Other Competitive Programming Contests
Competitive Programming Books
USACO Related Resources
Algorithm Resources and Templates
Past Contest Statistics
Join a growing community of future computer scientists
Since 2017, students and computer science enthusiasts around the world participated in TeamsCode events to sharpen their coding skills.
Number of Contest Participants Over Time
Total Event Hours
Students Impacted
Countries Reached
Our Organization
A student organization for students
TeamsCode is brought to you by a group of enthusiastic students that hope others can also share their enjoyment in computer science.
Teamwork Makes TeamsCode
TeamsCode is created by high school volunteers from all around the world. They write problems, organize logistics, and brought TeamsCode from a regional contest to an international competition.
Led by Students
Since the first contest, TeamsCode has always been led by students. We believe that everyone at TeamsCode has the potential to lead a contest and we encourage them to play an active role in the community.
Always Open to New Ideas
If you have an idea about how to make the contest better and are interested in helping us organize contests, please join us! You can find the informational packet and organizer application on the about page.
Build a Larger Community
Besides improving our own contest TeamsCode also collaborate with other competitive programming contests. If you would like to become an affiliate, please contact us! Our contact information is on the contact page.
Partners and Sponsors
TeamsCode in a Team
We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting us! If you would like to help TeamsCode, please consider becoming a sponsor and get in touch with us!